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"Little Amber Bridge" is a day care centre for children with disabilities located  in Sovetsk (which was called Tilsit till 1945), in the northern part of the former German Province of East Prussia, which today belongs to Russia. This centre was founded on the initiative of physician Karin Plagemann who was born in Tilsit and lives in Kiel. In the center children with disabilities are supervised and supported by pedagogical staff and
experience a community like every other school or kindergarten child instead of staying with their parents at home.


Russian artist Anja Tchepets and French filmmaker Johan Robin, both living and working in Berlin, have initiated project "Dobrota": In various workshops Russian children with disabilities work together with German children on animation films. At the end of the workshops, several animated films were developed, which are parts of a 23-minute film documentary about the project.

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Film: deutsche Fassung

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Film: version française

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1. Workshop in KreativRaum Annenwalde / Brandenburg (23. - 27.4.2019)


Scenery construction, creation of drawn and built elements and backgrounds, shooting and sound and music recordings for the film "Last uns verreisen!"


2. Workshop im "Little Amber Bridge" day care center in Sovetsk (2.05. - 10.5.2019)


Production of the figures and drawings and music recordings for the film "The story of the little bear"


3. Workshop in House at the Weberwiese, Berlin (18.05 - 19.05.2019)


Production of the puppets and costumes, shooting of the puppet film "Oma Galja" as well as sound and music recordings for the films "Oma Galja" and "Karlsson"


4. Workshop in in KreativRaum Annenwalde / Brandenburg (23.05 - 27.05.2019)


Scenery construction, creation of drawn and built elements and backgrounds, shooting as well as sound and music recordings for the film "Last uns verreisen!" and "Die Geschichte vom Bärchen" 


5. Workshop in Yad Chanan Ceramic Studio, Berlin (17.08.2019)


Production of the drawings and backgrounds for the films "Karlsson" and "Oma Galja"


6. Workshop in House at the Weberwiese, Berlin (18.08.2019)


Herstellung der Knettefiguren, Dreharbeiten sowie Ton- und Musikaufnahmen für den Film »Am Tag, als alles kaputt ging«


Film premiere in Cinema Krokodil in Berlin (13.01.2020)


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This project was a cooperation with HAMMERAU e.V.HIMMLISCHER LICHTIRRKLANG STUDIO 
and was financially supported by Aktion Mensch.

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